Sunday, July 8

Why Is This Cat So Mad?

Look at her, she's all "Mrrrrrwow! RRRRROWWWW!!!" Ears back, eyes narrow.
(Click on photos to enlarge them.)

She even turned away from me when I was taking pictures. Look at that tail flick.

Coulld it be...

"FINE!" she says, "I shall sit down and let you see my poor paws!! Have you seen what they have done to my poor paws?!?!?"

"OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!! I'm just going to claw this blanket with frustration!!! AWW MAN!! What have you done to me?!"


she said: said...

Oh my gawd.. those are -so- fab'u'lous. She's got that "I'm gonna get you biatch" look.

I'm surprised you even still have that cat. She must have rehabilitated herself.

And you have a nifty organizer for your threads. I understood the quilting thing a little today. Until I checked out. Then queue the sound of brakes squealing.

MdG said...

Yes, we still have her. M. Sarge has come to terms with the fact that his daughter is in love. ANd the fact that this cat loves *HIM*.

Yes, the thread organizer. You must get one if you keep up with the whole sewing thing. You can see all the colors at a glance, and your bobbins don't get all bunged up. The one you see in the picture is just my neutral and M. Sarge uniform colors. I have a whole other full one hung above that. It took me quite a long time to wrap my head around the whole quilting thing, but now that I get it, I'm good.

Unknown said...

Cute kitty! I found your blog via the Imp's Playground, and I'm glad.
Because seriously? I thought I was the only anti-social blogger around. HAHA!

Anonymous said...

So you got her declawed? She really does look pissed. Pretty funny.

MdG said...

Jacy- no not declawed, cause that's kind of mean. We just put "Softclaws" on her talons of doom! Piko is jealous because now the cat has nicer fingernails than she does.

Rebecca- WELCOME! Embrace the anti-socialism! Have some coffee!

MdG said...

PS. Rebecca- I was reading your profile, and guess what I'm listening to RIGHT NOW?!? My "Killer Queen" Tribute to Queen CD. Constantine M. (whoever that is) does a decent cover of "Bohemian Rhapsody". Not a bad CD considering I got it from the dollar store.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I had never heard of them before. I can't imagine how my cat would react. Did you kitty get used to them?

she said: said...

I've always wanted to use them on the bunnies. But they would just eat them right away.

I have one who bites her nails like a human.

Creative-Type Dad said...

If I were you, I'd be checking under my car's brakes before driving.

Cats are evil when they're angry, and they NEVER forget.

MdG said...

It looks like she's pretty used to them, though she did manage to get one off. I'm waiting for Sarge to get home so we can put it back on. They're glued with basically super glue, and you have to replace them when the nail grows out.
They are hilariously cute!

Creative-Type-Dad: Yeah, I'm making the dog sleep in my room at night, because I know the cat wants to get me.

Tanya Espanya said...

I remember seeing those things one time, don't know where. How cool is your kitty?! Love that!