Wednesday, August 22

Sucker de Gallo

Well, tonight was the Fall sports kickoff for our community. Piko de Gallo is playing soccer this year, she has her cleats, shin guards, and soccer socks (I just can't get her to call it football, or fuut-bol), and she's ready to go.

Tonight Sarge and I picked up our coaching packet. Yes, you read that right, we picked up our coaching packet. Apparently Piko's team had no coach, and the athletic director was trying to guilt, I mean get parents to volunteer.

**sound of chirping crickets**

Finally Sarge and I came to the conclusion that if we didn't do it, our kid would get screwed. So beginning next week we are going to be in charge of seven 5-6 year olds three times a week. Yay.

I played AYSO in Hawaii several years when I was in elementary school, and Sarge was a pretty outstanding striker in his high school days. So I guess we'll muddle through it. And it's not so much bratty kids and parents I'm worried about, it's how am I going to keep a bunch of 5 and 6 years olds interested and having fun. Especially seeing as I'm not much of a sports person. GAH!!! However it's incentive to hit the gym a bit more since it will be quite embarrassing when these kids run me into the ground.

And, expect Sarge to definetly be scheduling his vasectomy as soon as the season is over.

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