Thursday, April 5

100% Made of AWESOME!

Another reason to love Alanis Morissette.

I laughed so hard coffee came out of my nose.


dennis said...

I actually thought the tune dragged and should have had more of a beat.

I also failed to complete the song...

MdG said...

So you no likie?

she said: said...

I actually didn't like it when I heard it - then later noticed I was humming it in my head. Clearly I'd been memed.

dennis said...

waheeeell, I likie Alanis!

not so much likie the song...

MdG said...

Oh yes. The song, not so much, but the Alanis parody of it. Eeeexcellent.
I've had the stupid song in my head because I keep hearing the ad for Blades of Glory on the radio. And Will Ferrel is singing it.

[] said...

That's awesome! I actually don't much appreciate the original. Alanis rocks.